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Monday, 10 February 2014



You hear it all the time, "My calves are never going to grow, it's genetics!" The problem with this statement is it's TRUE. It's not the genetics part of the statement that's true, it's the part about your calves never growing that is true. The reason for this is that the genetics argument is just an excuse not to train your calves hard. When you say my calves are never going to grow you have already put yourself in the frame of mind that they aren't going to grow. I guarantee that if you change your way of thinking about calf training you will see new growth to your calves. FORGET ABOUT GENETICS.
 We can sit here all day and debate whether being genetically gifted determines
 your potential to build great calves. Or, we can get busy and start some hardcore
 calf training. The key to calf calf training can be summed up in one word -
 intensity. If you just go through the motions, up and down on the standing calf 
raise machine, your calves will not grow. The reason calves do not respond to
 low-intensity training is because they are used to be worked all day long, 
everyday. Think about it, the weight of your body is on your calves every time
 you walk up stairs, get up from a chair or just walk to your car. Therefore, it is
 important to really raise the intensity level when training calves.
   Before we move on to the actual calf workout, let me attempt to explain to you 
what I consider intensity. Intensity is basically having the mental stamina to
 break certain pain barriers. For some reason (most likely due to the type of
 muscle fiber), calves are extremely painful to train once you have gotten to that 
last rep. The bad news is that is when your calves start growing. When your
 calves really start burning, that's when we start counting reps. Remember what
 I said about intensity, it's the ability to break through pain barriers.


   Don't worry we will get down to the nitty gritty, but first I want to share some
 important techniques with you. After reading this, you will inevitably see people in the gym making these same mistakes that you may be making now. First, train calves in
 flat soled shoes such as Otomix footwear. Even better, train your calves in bare
 feet. You got it, take your tennis shoes or boots off before you start your calf 
   Second, your stance is very important when training calves. Probably the
 biggest mistake that I see people make when training calves is having your
 knees bent too much. Remember, we want to take the quads out of the 
movement and isolate the calves. Slightly bent is alright, but I prefer your legs 
to be as straight as you can get them. Your feet should be positioned with your 
heels a little wider than your toes. It is very important that the pressure of the
 movement is directly on your big toe. Having the weight over your big toe will 
really help you get a full contraction on every rep.
   Another tip that is often overlooked is calf stretching. I really like to stretch 
my calves hard before training them. As a matter of fact, I have seen two 
different apparatus' designed to specifically stretch the calf muscles. Without
 getting too technical the calves are made of the soleus and the gastronomies. 
To stretch the soleus, use a seated calf machine with no weight and stretch. To 
stretch the gastronomies use the standing calf raise and stretch your heels to
 the ground. Also, I try to stretch my calves frequently between sets.
Finally, you want to concentrate on getting a full contraction on each and every
 rep. When you go down you will literally feel like you are sliding off the calf
 machine. When you are at the top of the movement you will almost be standing 
on your big toes. You may have already noticed the guys who use huge weight 
and bounce every rep have small calves???


Workout One

Exercise #1

 If you thought I was kidding about training intensity, you are about
 to get tested right away. This first movement will teach you what I mean by 
having the mental stamina to break through pain barriers. Since most people
 like to do standing calf raises first then that's where we will begin. The 
difference is we are going to do a set of fifty reps. You will perform all fifty reps 
consecutively, but it will be broken down into 5 mini sets of ten reps. Set up the 
standing calf raise with a weight you ordinarily can get for twenty reps. Now, 
perform 10 slow, strict reps followed by 10 bounce reps (literally bounce up and
 down for ten reps), then 10 slow, strict reps, then 10 bounce reps, then finish 
with 10 slow strict reps. Do not rest in between the strict and bounce reps. You 
are doing 50 straight reps. If you do not feel like puking, then you did not go 
hard enough. Your calves should be burning so bad that it feels like someone 
stuck a knife in the back of them.

Exercise #2

This time we are going to concentrate on one calf at a time. This 
exercise may seem a little strange at first, but you will really like it. Have you
 ever gone out for the day boating and the next day your calves are really sore. 
This soreness is from using the stabilizing muscles for balance that you are not
 used to working in the gym. To begin this exercise you will need a platform such
 as the bent-over row platform and a dumbbell. Use a dumbbell that is about the
 same weight that you usually start dumbbell curls with. Now, stand on the 
platform with only your toes on the edge and hold the dumbbell in one hand.
 Go up and down slowly with the dumbbell held by your side. You will probably
 need to hold onto the side of the platform for balance. Once you have mastered
 this motion, begin to move the dumbbell to the front of your body in a different 
position each rep. The key to counting reps on this exercise is to only count the
 reps that burn. Once you start feeling pain then start counting. After you have 
completed one calf, switch the dumbbell to the other hand and work the other
 calf. Perform three sets on each calf (remember only count the reps that burn). 
Some people prefer to do this exercise at the beginning of their routine because
 it really works the stabilizing muscles. I have had people tell me that their 
calves still feel fresh after crushing them on this movement.

Exercise #3

 The final exercise in this calf routine is the donkey calf raise. Unfortunately 
some gyms are not equipped with a donkey calf raise machine. If your gym does
 not have a donkey machine you can do the same movement on a platform with 
your training partner on your back.
   If you have a donkey machine you will be doing three drop sets. Use a 
relatively heavy weight for your first set. Without rest, pull the pin and switch
 to a lighter weight. Once again go till failure. Without rest again, pull the pin 
and go very light for a high rep set. This is referred to as a triple drop set. You 
will have tears in your eyes when you are through.
   If you do not have a donkey machine, simply have your partner sit on your 
back while your toes are on a platform. You may use a weighted belt or have 
your partner hold some plates. On your first set go until failure and then have
 your partner drop the weight. Do another set until failure. For your final set 
have your partner get off your back and do a high rep set. People in the gym may 
look at you like you are crazy, but just wait until your calves begin to explode.
Workout Two - The Gauntlet
   I recommend training calves twice a week. Do not train calves as an 
afterthought. Treat calves like they are biceps, triceps or chest. In other words 
train them consistently and intensely. Speaking of intensity, workout two is 
quick and painful. It consists of two giant supersets. Most gyms have their calf 
equipment situated next to one another. You will need to occupy three different
 pieces of equipment for this routine. You can use the donkey calf machine, 
seated calf machine, standing calf raise machine, leg press calf raises or angled 
calf raise machine. If your gym only has two of these machines then you can 
always substitute one legged standing calf raises (described above).
   This workout consists of doing the first exercise, then jumping on the next 
piece of equipment, then jumping on a final piece of equipment. Each set will
 be with a weight that you can handle for at least 10 reps, but always go until 
failure. As soon as you are finished your first set immediately jump on the next
 two machines and do the same thing. It is necessary to set up all three
 machines prior to your giant set so that you do not rest while loading plates.
 When you are finished 
your first giant set your calves will burn so bad they will be numb.
 That's what you want!


   There is no doubt that if you train your calves correctly with the necessary
 intensity they will grow. You will be cursing me all the way to the water fountain and when trying to drive your stick shift car home, but it will be worth it. I believe that so 
many people have mediocre calf development because of the extreme pain that
 is required to build quality calves. Also, building huge calves takes time and 
patience. Hopefully, after some grueling calf workouts of your own, you will be
 able to laugh at the person who says they train their calves hard.
   The payoff for the tears rolling down your face when you finish a set of 50 reps
 is simple. First, you have built up the mental stamina to break through pain 
barriers. Second, your calves will be immediately noticed and commented on 
by people who see them. There is no mistaking who trains their calves hard and
 who goes through the motions. I don't know of a more impressive sight in the 
gym then a pair of stacked calves.

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